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  1. B

    plants not growing or dying

    ive been havin tough times with plants for awhile now, i got some sagittaria subulata, a good amount of cryptocoreans, anubias, and java fern. the sagittaria subulata has some green/yellow leaves and also melts some leaves away, it looks bad but it never actually dies. cryptocorean are probably...
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    angelfish stuck under rocks/log

    so i left home for a bit, came back and found an angelfish still breathing trapped under some rocks/driftwood on its side, doesn't look like he was trapped for long to me. i immediately of course got him out. his back tail fin is slightly torn up along with one of his swimming fins not sure what...
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    yoyo loach

    so i was about to sleep and kept hearing splashing from the tank and i see it was one of my yoyo loaches. i have 6 of them and they all chillin but the one was sort of going to top of tank quick and bashing itself once or twice... and i see it breathing very rapidly. not sure what to do about...
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    Too much Potassium??

    So ive been having some plant problems, seems like a lack of nutrients for sure, yellow wilting, no new growth hardly ever. Holes in leaves, all that stuff. im still trying to figure it all out but ive been dosing NilocG ferts and root tabs but in addition to my problems ive added seachem...
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    aquarium plant trouble

    hopefully these pics r decent sorry they are sideways for some reason, im not so worried about the sword plant i think thats its name it doesnt look good but im more worried of the other plant, dont know the name but i got alot of it and it looked real good, its beginning to semi melt and turn...
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    Koi angelfish egg advice

    So this my first time having any fish eggs pretty cool, i barely noticed them. They are on my heater, i just bought a breeding chamber thing but since they are on my heater what is my options. do i perhaps get a brush and try to gently brush them off my heater into the breeding chamber? or just...
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    changing substrate

    so im changing my substrate sort of in a 75g tank, i have blue rock/black sand right now im putting in caribsea black stone that volcanic type because it is better for planted tanks which i want. im attempting to take out most if not all the blue stone it doesnt quite look good to me. and use...
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    Fish ammonia

    So I just got my cousins 20g fish tank with 4 little jewel cichlids he caught from a pond. He barely did water changes ever and fed them every 4 days. He says there almost indestructible lol. My question is, I tested this waters ammonia and it's maxed out.. 8ppm max reading and the fish are...
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    changing substrate

    so im about 6-12 months in this hobby i always envisioned a heavily planted tank, learned its very hard to grow plants in gravel/sand combo i know i can get non rooted plants but i really want specific looking plants and alot of them are root base plants. i want to ideally do aquarium soil/sand...
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    brown algae annoying

    i keep getting brown algae in my 75g tank alot its very annoying wondering if yall have any good tips... or ideas other than what ive read. i did a heavy cleaning of my tank. some decor, even my fluval filter had so much brown algae and i cleaned it all. this made my tank almost look brand new...
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    fish territorial maybe?

    so i got a yoyo loach and some black loaches. theres a small shelf like enclosure my one kuhli loach loves and almost never leaves too much. the thing is its pretty small space and my yoyo loach is bigger and every now and then goes in it and i see him thrashing about hitting my poor kuhli...
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    is this ich? im new

    im new to this aquarium hobby and i just got these fish like 2 hours ago and now that i look at them i am questioning if they have ich, i guess its hard to tell from the pics but worth a try. they are small clown loaches, i noticed a tiny white dot on the fin of 2 of them. now im questioning...
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    new tank

    so i got this new 75 gallon tank set up i wanna get some opinions on the look of it ill include a pic. its not 100% exactly how i pictured the set up to look like but its not bad for now i think. I got 5 kulhi loaches little babies right now that seem to be doing good. ive been trying to learn...
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    greetings new to the hobby

    Hello i got my first 75 gallon tank from a neighbor and well... ive been so excited to set it all up but a lot of challenges i have already faced haha. alot of old school canister filters and what not that have been sitting for over 10 years and ended up just buying new stuff to save me a big...
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