Recent content by Chaim

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    Sexy shrimp

    Ok 👍🏻
  2. C

    Sexy shrimp

    Hi, I’ve seen mixed opinions whether sexy shrimp are reef safe. Does anyone have any experience?
  3. C

    High Phosphate

    Ok, thanks. Will definitely start with a water change
  4. C

    High Phosphate

    Hi, I have elevated phosphate levels. It’s hard to know the exact amount, I’m using api tester and the lowest detectable amount above zero is .25. I’ve been using phosguard by seachem with changing the media every few days but haven’t noticed any noticeable difference. Does anyone have...
  5. C

    Coral not fully open

    The candy cane is looking great today so I guess it just took some time. I just got a colt leather today where would the best place be for it? It’s looking kind of deflated now, currently it’s on the second to top rock on right center of tank
  6. C

    Coral not fully open

    Thanks 😊
  7. C

    Coral not fully open

    Ok thanks and what about candy cane coral? Sorry if sounds a bit like a dumb question I’m just not familiar. How can I tell if my candy cane is fully open? It always looks just like this when the light is on and off
  8. C

    Coral not fully open

    I have the fluval 5 gallon tank. I got what I believe is a galaxea coral 3 day ago but it’s still mostly closed up. It’s currently on the lowest level rock on the sand bed in the corner of the tank. Should I just give it more time to open or move it to a different spot in the tank? Picture below
  9. C

    Feeder blocks

    Next month. That’s an idea
  10. C

    Feeder blocks

    Ok, thanks
  11. C

    Feeder blocks

    Going for 8 days. 2 clowns and a blue damsel
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    Feeder blocks

    I’m considering both opinions. So was wondering if anyone has experience using feeder blocks and find that they work well for small fish without disturbing the water parameters
  13. C

    Feeder blocks

    Hi, does anyone recommend using feeder blocks in a nano reef tank while on vacation? It’s a small tank and it’ll be a little challenging setting up an automatic feeder
  14. C

    Cycling nano reef

    Thanks for all your help 😊
  15. C

    Cycling nano reef

    Actually looks like it’s on its way down finally. Doesn’t seem to be off the chart. If that’s the case should I still dose 2ppm ammonia daily until it comes down to zero?
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