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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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    Sexy shrimp

    Hi, I’ve seen mixed opinions whether sexy shrimp are reef safe. Does anyone have any experience?
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    High Phosphate

    Hi, I have elevated phosphate levels. It’s hard to know the exact amount, I’m using api tester and the lowest detectable amount above zero is .25. I’ve been using phosguard by seachem with changing the media every few days but haven’t noticed any noticeable difference. Does anyone have...
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    Coral not fully open

    I have the fluval 5 gallon tank. I got what I believe is a galaxea coral 3 day ago but it’s still mostly closed up. It’s currently on the lowest level rock on the sand bed in the corner of the tank. Should I just give it more time to open or move it to a different spot in the tank? Picture below
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    Feeder blocks

    Hi, does anyone recommend using feeder blocks in a nano reef tank while on vacation? It’s a small tank and it’ll be a little challenging setting up an automatic feeder
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    Cycling nano reef

    Hi, I started cycling a new 5 gallon reef tank 4 weeks ago with live sand, I added dry rock a few days later. I dosed the tank with Dr Tim’s ammonia and API quick start. After adding dr tims my ammonia went up very high then came back down to zero a few days later and is steady at zero. The...
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    Raise ph

    I’m in middle of setting up a 5 gallon reef tank. My ph is low but my kh is at a good level. Any recommendations for a buffer that will raise and stabilize my ph without effecting my kh levels?
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    Aquascaping nano

    Hi, I’m setting up a 5 gallon reef nano. I bought a box of stax dry rock from Amazon. It’s officially flat on top and bottom making it easy to stack. Anyone had any aquascaping ideas? It’s a rectangle shape
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    Hi, I have an adult emperor angelfish in 180 g for about 2 years. Last week I bought an adult majestic angle (my lfs said that it shouldn’t be a problem mixing those angles). When I added the majestic, my emperor started chasing him around. I sectioned the majestic off to the side of the tank...
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    Protein skimmer for nano tank

    How necessary is a protein skimmer for a nano 5 gallon tank?
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    Distilled water

    Hi, I’m thinking about starting a nano reef tank (currently have a 180 fowlr tank) can I use distilled water instead of rodi? How do the two compare?
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    Moorish idol

    Hi, i got a moorish idol yesterday, I’m feeding the tank flakes, seaweed, clams and all different types of frozen meaty foods. But he’s not really going after anything, any suggestions?
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    Hi, I have an adult emperor angle I would like to get some snails, crabs and even starfish. Would it work or better to avoid?
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    I have an adult emperor angle, will he be a risk to a clean up crew?
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    Stocking aquarium

    Hi, I have a 180 gallon fish only tank. With lots of live rock, protein skimmer and a uv. Was wonder what other’s opinions is regarding if I can add a few schooling cromis to my tank or it’s fully stocked. I currently have 13... 2 clowns Banana wrasse Bird wrasse Malinarus wrasse Cleaners...
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    For Sale: Need to sell my tank

    I apologize if I’m posting in the wrong section. I need to sell my 180 gallon aquarium, everything included $2000 or best offer.
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    Copperband butterfly

    Hi, I’m trying different options on what I can get my copperband to feed on. He likes mysis, does anyone have have experience with them feeding on half clams?
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    New fish

    I just got a new quoyi parrotfish, my small adult emperor angelfish which i have about 3 weeks. Started to pick at it. It actually destroyed his top fin, and was stressing it out. I separated the angelfish into his own basket in the tank. How long should I keep the angelfish in the basket to...
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    Can anyone help identify this eel?

    Does anyone know which of eel this is? Is it a smaller eel like the snowflake or does it get large and aggressive like the essalota?
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    Coral ornaments

    Hi, I’m looking for some really realistic looking artificial coral for my fish only tank. Any recommendations on where to purchase or which company makes ?
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    Fijian Orange Spot Filefish

    Hi, has anyone kept a Fijian Orange Spot Filefish? They are such beautiful fish, I would love to get one. But I see online that they can be extremely difficult feeding.
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    Hi! I’m new to this channel

    Hi, I currently have a 180 gallon marine fish only tank. I’m really passionate for this fish hobby. I have 12 fish and 2 snowflake eels. 1) purple tang 2) yellow tang 3) blue tang 4) green bird wrasse 5) banana Wrasse 6) cleaner wrasse 7) malinarus wrasse 8) adult emperor angelfish 9) flag...
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