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  1. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    This was a very traumatic experience & I am unable to discuss it further. It will never happen again.
  2. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    It was simply a suggestion that I acted upon because it was easily done. My conclusion, based in part by expert opinions, was they died from oxygen deprivation.
  3. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 😘😘😘😘😘😘 Might as will complete the task. Too bad the emojis look better on my iPad Hope you can read between the lines. Thanks again for your patience and sharing your vast knowledge base. This forum is fortunate to have you.
  4. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    Thanks, but I wasn’t born yesterday. I’ve been in the fish keeping universe for three full years. lol Mainly, I only post here to talk to Andy. He’s the best.
  5. Jacky12

    Does anyone know anything about the angelfish, P,scalare, called California Blue?

    I will never go to Aquabid again. The California Blues were not only frauds, but crappy ones at that.
  6. Jacky12

    Does anyone know anything about the angelfish, P,scalare, called California Blue?

    Wow, Andy, that was fascinating. The one in the back looks like the fish this person I am in contact with has. he seems to think it went back for decades and was lost, or no longer breed, I guess he means. The plan now is to purchase 4 subadults and 4 veils, juveniles. Nothing finalized. As...
  7. Jacky12

    Does anyone know anything about the angelfish, P,scalare, called California Blue?

    I will, thank you. Can’t remember if I told you or not about my Glaser experience. I came across an importer on the West Coast who has their fish. Koi & Manacapuru, scalare. They did look different than the American breed varieties and I liked them. Had them on a rigorous course of...
  8. Jacky12

    Does anyone know anything about the angelfish, P,scalare, called California Blue?

    I am mesmerized by this beautiful angelfish. Never heard of it until recently. I am enclosing some info from the breeder. It is an incredibly beautiful variety. I do have more genetic info, but this is good enough for starters. California Blue is a cultivar that was once developed the...
  9. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    Oh, babe, maybe so, but I’m keeping you in my broth kettle.:)
  10. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    Thanks again for the TMI. BTW, there is no such thing as TMI in this context. A scientific mind (PhD biology) such as mine must search long and hard for solutions to unusual situations.
  11. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    thanks for your reply. I need time to process all this. BTW, you, Andy, are a big part of TMI.
  12. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    I only recently became aware of doing smaller water changes vs the weekly 50% I’ve done for the 3 years I’ve been in the hobby. This new information comes from a few Angelfish breeders I am in contact with. I have purchased their fish, and I’m listening to what they have to say regarding water...
  13. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    I threw away that bucket of flakes. Is it too much of a stretch to theorize a clump was toxic?
  14. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    I have 16 fish tanks. Not all are fed the same food, or combination of foods. But 9 tanks had exactly the same flakes. The expiration date is 11/26. All fish in other tanks, as well as the 5 survivors, appear fine. Yes, I did water changes in all tanks, some the same day & some the...
  15. Jacky12

    Massive overnight die off in African Cichlid tank

    This morning I found ~15 out of ~20 cichlids dead in a 125 G tank. All ate well as always during yesterday’s feeding The tank has a cycled FX6 filter. This group has been together for about three years. No new fish have been added other than a few that were bred in the tank that managed to...
  16. Jacky12

    P. Altum. Do they age poorly?

    no nearby aquariums here. Magnificent one in San Francisco My handyman could build me a big ass tank, but I’m not all that into it
  17. Jacky12

    P. Altum. Do they age poorly?

    I have decided against Altums. If I were dying for them, I’m sure my handyman could build the tank, but I’m not all that into it. Maybe if they were red with purple fins. lol.
  18. Jacky12

    P. Altum. Do they age poorly?

    thanks Andy! I know you’re an angelfish expert and was hoping you’d reply. Every word you say makes perfect sense. My tallest tanks are 30”, two 110s and a 220 gallon. The fish I would buy are F1 three month olds, maybe a bit younger. The plan was to put them in a 75 G for now and upgrade...
  19. Jacky12

    P. Altum. Do they age poorly?

    Once again I’m setting up an altum tank that became a P.scalare tank the first time around. I’m reading finnage in the elegant Altum declines with age & most posted photos are of younger fish in their prime. I’d prefer some colorful long finned scalare to shrinking Altums. I am of course...
  20. Jacky12

    Punnet Square for Blue Ghosts, P.scalare

    Very useful, thank you, Andy. I already keep my angels at 78. I think the breeder uses 80. I tend to keep most ofmy fish below average. This came about because the guy who sold me my first 90G that came will a mixed cichlid/syno cat community never used tank heaters. He kept his house at...
  21. Jacky12

    Punnet Square for Blue Ghosts, P.scalare

    Really? That often? Every 10-14 days year round? Does that shorten their lifespan? How long do P. Scalare live?
  22. Jacky12

    Punnet Square for Blue Ghosts, P.scalare

    Here’s what I hear and I know both sides to be true. Most angels will consume the fry, especially younger ones. Some fish will rear them on their own. I am totally not into marketing fish. I also hear when the cone or other depositing device is left in, the female will spawn less. I say...
  23. Jacky12

    Punnet Square for Blue Ghosts, P.scalare

    Thanks, the link above easily opened! I am not a serious breeder. I happened to see this beautiful pair & wanted them. They are young, ~13 months & have spawned 3X. The breeder has a big batch of 3 week old fry of theirs. He pulls the cone. I may leave it in or use a tank divider.
  24. Jacky12

    Punnet Square for Blue Ghosts, P.scalare

    I tried a few different ways to get that link to open, Andy, I’ll try again later. Thanks for the post.
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