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  1. af2018

    Nice job Mom and Dad - Angel Baby Vide0

    I am so jealous omg!! Very cool! And beautiful angels!
  2. af2018

    how do i catch fish?

    You definitely gotta be quick and play the game a little with them. Sometimes it takes patience and more tries than you ever anticipated 😂
  3. af2018

    Aggressive red wag tail platy fish

    Oh my goodness sorry lol it’s public now haha The video really does no justice it seems like every time I go to record it it either stops or gets a little less aggressive so I was able to capture a little bit of it in the video but it’s definitely more than what you see here.
  4. af2018

    Aggressive red wag tail platy fish

    I posted this to YouTube. I had to take this one out several days ago because I watched him going after another one of my platies. Prior to that I had removed a platy that was in fear and I couldn’t figure out why. Now the fearful one is back in the community tank doing great. But I’ve got this...
  5. af2018

    I messed up today.

    Andy sager I was trying to get decent pics 😂 you know how that goes. But the “white spot” on the top of her by her head is where I must’ve knicked her. It was a pretty big decoration 🤦‍♀️ I’m hoping she’ll bounce right back
  6. af2018

    Deer tick

    It’s not just this I’m overly cautious with this 😂 surprisingly I’m still enjoying the hobby. It’s a lot of work for sure. The biggest mistake I think I’ve made is going to doctor Google for advice. Like when I first got back in I had 2 betas with a divider in one tank. Decided to add 3 neon...
  7. af2018

    What should I do with this platy?

    I always get a head count of my fish and this little girl or guy was deep in hiding, interested in food and would pop its head out but pop right back into hiding. No visible wounds or tears. The fish looks just fine. It drives me nuts not being able to get my counts in a timely manner plus it...
  8. af2018

    Deer tick

    Thanks Andy I’m already too paranoid haha
  9. af2018

    Any idea what kind of snails hitchhiked into my tank?

    The ones in the bag are ones I just bought they’re supposed to be assasin snails 😂 sorry I should’ve specified there
  10. af2018

    Any idea what kind of snails hitchhiked into my tank?

    Well they can’t stay here 😂 I’m on top of it. I don’t even care what happens at this point I’m really upset about contracting these snails. I feel so violated 🤣
  11. af2018

    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    That’s really cool Andy.
  12. af2018

    Any idea what kind of snails hitchhiked into my tank?

    Thank you Aiken. I am keeping my eyes peeled for them at this point. I really want to get some good pictures for you guys.
  13. af2018

    Any idea what kind of snails hitchhiked into my tank?

    So I’m trying something I found on Google. Please give me the feedback I need 😂 I went and bought a head of lettuce and put a couple pieces in my tank. From what I read the snails should attach themselves to it and I can remove them but I’m wondering why they’d favor lettuce over my live plants...
  14. af2018

    Deer tick

    So when I was cleaning my tank today one of my nets had a live deer tick on it. Weird. I removed it and burned it but could a deer tick or any kind of ticks like that be able to feed on my fish? We have 3 dogs that are treated but they’ve still been bringing them in. In the last couple weeks...
  15. af2018

    Any idea what kind of snails hitchhiked into my tank?

    The pics are kinda bad. Just noticed it today while changing my water. My daughter noticed she had some in her tank at her dad’s house this past weekend. I confirmed it last night and then found my own. I’ll be doing my best to remove all mine when we get into the moving process next month. She...
  16. af2018

    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    Very interesting. I didn’t know this!
  17. af2018

    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    I hate to put this name out there bc I avoid this place unless I absolutely have to go there but petsmart does sell the frozen ones. They’re pretty pricey too. The other thing I like more about the freeze dried is they float. The frozen ones sink pretty fast
  18. af2018

    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    See if he likes bloodworms to switch up his diet and see if he likes it. It won’t help the fin issues. Just figured I’d throw that out since you said he seemed a little particular. Those bug bites seem addictive for them tho!
  19. af2018

    Well water

    Ummm lol all I can tell you is there’s a thing that sticks out of the ground maybe 12-18” tall.
  20. af2018

    Well water

    I’m gonna say it’s probably safe to assume it’s not 300 ft down 😂 My gut tells me it’s not a deep well. The builder only builds in summer he owns some company. These houses were like a side project for extra income for him. So he probably just did the minimum on that stuff. I mean I would if I...
  21. af2018

    Well water

    Ok so there’s a mechanic shop on the outer edge of the culdedsac. I already plan to call the EPA when we close and actually start moving in bc it looks more like a junk yard than a mechanic shop and I know for fact epa here at least won’t tolerate that. We had a little scare from the epa when my...
  22. af2018

    Well water

    So I have a half answer here that I have a question on. They did test the well obviously for some stuff no nitrite but nitrates are 3.42 mg per liter. Not sure if matters but the 3rd thing on this results thing says no bacteria. Is this a safe level for nitrates for my fish? Also they have the...
  23. af2018

    New here

    I was totally gonna say she was probably mean to him
  24. af2018

    New here

    Sounds like your ex lacked a sense of humor
  25. af2018

    What kind of fish are you?

    I’m gonna go with shark. I’m beautiful but I’ll rip your arm off.
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