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  1. Andy Sager

    Sexy shrimp

    To start, I believe your tank is too small to have the collection of them they really should have. A single shrimp or two is not really going to cut it. That said, since these shrimps are omnivores, if they don't get enough food, there is always the chance they will eat corals or anemones or...
  2. Andy Sager

    All my 4 tanks have 0 Nitrates

    If you don't have live plants, 0 nitrates is wonderful. If you have live plants, they need that nitrate to feed on.
  3. Andy Sager

    Thanks Andy and Aiken

    That's why we are here, to help those that need it. :thumb: :thumb:
  4. Andy Sager

    High Phosphate

    I've used Poly Filter pads ( POLY-BIO-MARINE, Inc. ) in the past to keep a lot of organics at bay. What you need to do is have the water in the filter go through the poly filter pad last before going back into the tank so that the nitrifying microbes get fed before everything gets absorbed/...
  5. Andy Sager

    PH question

    Because the OP's other thread said that the ammonia and nitrites spiked but in this thread, the OP states that the ammonia is now 0. This is why they should get a second opinion on the test results. The good news is that even if the ammonia spiked, at a pH below 6.8, the ammonia is converted to...
  6. Andy Sager

    Injured Cory

    From what you described, that sounds like it was a severe bacterial infection ( which is common in Cory cats) so he's going to need to some to heal from it so don't rush him. If the fish is eating, it's healing and that's fine. Let him heal at his pace. All you'll need to do is keep the water...
  7. Andy Sager

    75 gallon build- Full Triton Method

    Very nice. (y) (y)
  8. Andy Sager

    how do i catch fish?

    If you are good and quick, you can scoop them up into a clean cup or container if they are hanging at the surface. ( Just don't tell them you are coming for them. ;) ;) ) The easier way is to use 2 nets, 1 larger one and one smaller one. The larger 1 is the catch net and the smaller one is the...
  9. Andy Sager

    PH question

    Yes, usually you have to go by what is posted but when what is posted doesn't make sense, you have to dig a little deeper. ;)
  10. Andy Sager

    PH question

    If the nitrite reading is a false reading, there's nothing wrong.
  11. Andy Sager

    Injured Cory

    When the fish is eating eagerly, the discoloration is all gone and is swimming around " normally", it would be considered healed. Cory cats do better in larger numbers and like to be in the current so don't expect him to be actively swimming in the hospital tank. It should be excited however...
  12. Andy Sager

    Power Outage

    This: " However, these values were typically inferred from heterotrophic bacteria rather than specifically measured for nitrifiers. Hence, conclusive data to clarify our understanding of nitrification-related decay and death is lacking. " kinda screws up that theory. ) :unsure:
  13. Andy Sager

    Power Outage

    It's not something most think about. They are just glad the temp didn't get too high or too low and the fish are still swimming. What sucks is when it goes out for a day or 2 and then the anaerobic bacteria start to form and then the power goes back on and they contaminate the main tank...
  14. Andy Sager

    Coral not fully open

    An area under bright to medium light and away from any stinging corals. For what it's worth,, that may have not been the best coral for a 5 gallon tank. They need close to 12" of space around them as they grow. That's kind of tight in a 5 gallon. You really want to stick with more smaller...
  15. Andy Sager

    Power Outage

    That's it. :thumb: The nice thing about this is you just need to put an airstone on it to keep the water oxygenated. Attach it to a working sponge filter is even better. The problem with canisters and HOBs and long power outages is that the water inside them can foul terribly if the power is...
  16. Andy Sager

    Nice job Mom and Dad - Angel Baby Vide0

    Congrats. :thumb: Those would be considered Marbled. Currently there are 7 different recognized Marbled Angelfish depending on how much gold there is or silver there is or other coloration besides the darker brown/black. The greenish hue just makes them more a " mutt" than the regular mutts that...
  17. Andy Sager

    PH question

    I think you are missing the back story. If the tank water pH is above 5.0 ( which it is), the nitrifying microbes that were there are still there. The fact that the ammonia is reading 0 shows that. That the nitrates are also 0 can be explained by the uptake from the plants since they are...
  18. Andy Sager

    Can fish medications cause shrimp to go sterile?

    While some medications can make fish sterile, those 2 meds do not have anything that could sterilize fish so it's very doubtful the shrimp are sterile however, Metroplex is known to be stressful to plants and invertebrates so that may be why they are off their breeding cycle. The fact that they...
  19. Andy Sager

    how many guppies can i have in a 40 gallon long?

    Speaking as someone who has bred many species of fish for profit, " If it were easy, everybody would be doing it" ;) ;)
  20. Andy Sager

    Coral not fully open

    (y) (y)
  21. Andy Sager

    PH question

    Okay, that can explain why you have no nitrates. The plants ate them. If your tap water is 7.6 and your tank water is 6-6.5, that's a sign that your KH is probably very low so in order to keep your tank pH higher, you'll need to do more frequent water changes and once you get the tank to a pH...
  22. Andy Sager

    Coral not fully open

    The amazing thing about corals is that they can almost acclimate themselves since they can stop intaking water if something disagrees with them. They can then choose to either acclimate to the change or they die off but the bottom line is that THEY choose. The coral in the pic appears to be...
  23. Andy Sager

    Coral not fully open

    If it doesn't open at all, it doesn't like where it's at. If it opens slightly, usually that means it doesn't like something in your water. Test your water and adjust accordingly.
  24. Andy Sager

    Power Outage

    Penn Plax has/had a plug in battery backup pump that would turn on when the electric turned off. You could either tie it into an air driven filter or just an air stone. The only thing you would need to do is keep good batteries in it. 1.5 hours with no air is not really an issue as long as the...
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