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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 22, 2011
Hi, i want some kind of cichlids in my tank, not shellies they breed WAY to offten for me. Though i would like a breeding pair of some type of cichlids. I have had rams nd they are to touchy. Always kept dying. Any ideas?
In my opinion a 10g is just to small for 99.5% of cichlids other than shellies, some would say a pair of rams, kribs, or apistos will work but I would disagree for long term housing. Best bet is wait until a larger and more better suited tank is purchased.

I wouldn't have kribs in anything smaller than a 30 after seeing how much room my breeding pair and their fry took up.
Ok thankyou, do u know were i could get some cockatoo dwarf cichlids?
10 gallons is just not that much space unfortunately..... can you upgrade on size at all?
No unfortunetly i can't i think im goin to put a 29g on my christmas list lol :) can always hope, if not i might go with somethin other then cichlids. Any sugestions?
You could try some of the smaller killifish, like aphyosemion australe. They require very little space and are gorgeous!
Go to AKA.org. This is the American Killifish Association. Everything you ever wanted to know about killies can be found there.
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