37g stocking help

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You don't want to mix yellow Lab's with perlmutts, too closely related. Can mix them saulosi, but why have 2 species of yellow (juvie and adult female saulosi) fish? The rusties are a good option, the fuelleborni are another variable-by-collection-point species like the afra. The OB variant would certainly stand out among the rest. The socolofi are another blue fish option, would go well w/yellow Lab's if you don't want the saulosi.
Julies are pair-bonding substrate spawners, start with 5-6 and swap off the extras after you have an established breeding pair. Totally different fish and dietary requirements than mbuna, but they do care for their fry, and as the fry grow they also help guard the smaller ones coming along. Black skirt (or the white version) are a good choice, they come from harder/alkaline water than most of the tetras.
You don't want to mix yellow Lab's with perlmutts, too closely related. Can mix them saulosi, but why have 2 species of yellow (juvie and adult female saulosi) fish? The rusties are a good option, the fuelleborni are another variable-by-collection-point species like the afra.

Thats why I recommened Rusty and Saulosi or Rusty and yellow lab so there's not all the yellow.
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