Angels spawned!!! Need Help!!!

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Ok, I’m stumped as to what to do now.

Saturday, I noticed my 90 was getting a bit cloudy, yesterday was worse, today about the same. Easter weekend, so no real time for water change, was planning on this evening.

Then at lunch time I feed the fish. Where are my angelfish? They are 3 piggies, always begging. Had to search, but found them all 3 hanging around my ozelot sword, which is pretty dense, hard to see through. I look further, there is a leaf covered in eggs!!! It’s at a weird angle, very hard to see the eggs clearly, and cloudy water isn’t helping matters any.

I’m currently frantically trying to research what to do, would like to raise a batch of fry.

I have so many questions I don’t know where to start.

I have 3 angels, no idea on sexes. Could they all be female and they just went through the motions of spawning?

If 2 paired off, why didn’t they beat the heck outta the other one? Everybody looks healthy.

How do I tell if the eggs are fertile or not? Couldn’t see any fungus or anything, but have no idea how to tell if they are fertile, and don’t know when they did the deed.

So at this point I have cloudy water and a batch of eggs. I’m doing my 50% water change tonight, but have now read that the eggs will hatch 2 days after laying, I have nowhere to put them.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry I have no idea never had the experience I would say go around that area with the sifon, and get a barak and get ready to net em up.
I am more familiar with mouth brooding, and surface nesting. I hope our angels get at it.

sweet deal, you'll be all right. :D

Drug out an old 10 gallon, sponge filter, airstone, heater, methylyne blue. Moved the eggs there, will hope for the best!

Will be ready to hatch some brine if the eggs make it, they loo ok so far, no fungus anyway.

The cloudy water, hadn't been adding my fertilizer, or maybe not enough, We'll see what happens there too.
OK, update. Eggs all died, waaaahhhhh :cry:

I still have a feeling i dont have a true apair and the female just laid them anyway, all may well have been infertile.

Next time this happens, I'll be better prepared. Doing more research on the whole angelfish thing.
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