Apisto Red Tails

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 18, 2006
I came home from work yesterday to see my male Apisto Aggazzi charging at my Blue Ram and they always got along, he was chasing all the fish around and then he'd go over to the female, who'd try to put her body under a rock, it was very odd behavior but thought she might be spawing, so I put a clay pot in the tank and faced it toward the back and made sure it had a lot of covering from the plants.

After I had walked away for about 10 minutes, I came back and they were both gone, nowhere to be found, they were in the pot together and stayed there for a good while, I was suprised Then the male came out to eat and the female didn't she's pretty much stayed in the pot or immediate area. She comes out now and then and chases the male and goes right back, this is something new. I try to drop some brine shrimp in that area so she can get some.

She's very small, she goes in and out of the pot through the little hole in the bottom. So I assume there might be eggs in the pot but don't want her to see me trying to look in there, so I'm basically letting nature take it's course. The one thing I'm interested in seeing is the female escourting her fry around the tank, is there anything I can do to assure that the fry make it? Anyone familiar with the red tails?
Congrats. It so happens, that I saw a presentation on appistos last night, at our clubs awards banquet. However, there was so much info presented that I can't offer much help.I would suggest,you remove the rams if possible. If given the chance, the female will take good care of the fry. The male may offer some help, but if he were to eat one he might end up dead. I'm sure there are others with some experience that will offer some advice. I'm not sure if they are large enough to start on BBS (perhaps the SF brand). Good luck.
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