Buffalohead cichlid

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 2, 2013
Is a buffalo head a South American ? African or new world cichlid?
This may be dumb but what exactly is a biotope..?
I.e. make your tank like the Congo river... Same fish, plants, substrate, rocks etc.

I found this little blurb that Heiko Bleher wrote about a Congo river biotope and thought it may help you out a bit.

"One has to understand that a CONGO- biotope, so to speak is an impossible task – one could not even do a close thing to justify such a name/biotope. Imagine: in the Congo river can be found more than 700 fish species and some of the most diversified biotopes. For that reason, I always choose a small affluent, pond, or natural lake-side and copy that into the tank. What lives there in such a small environment and not what lives in the Congo, the Amazon, or similar large river. Such is impossible to copy.

For a tank, as described one would have (in the Congo basin) plants as mentioned before and I would try to create an edge of the river/lake, that is one side high up going with sand and rocks to simulate the edge and plant there on top Anubias and on the lower end Crinum natans and if you want Bolbitis. Roots wood be nice, specially some very twisted with branches going into and under some rocks. But give the tank a free zone, white sandy patch were fishes have this ground free and they need it (specially some of those cichlids).

-Heiko Bleher (TFH Forum 2007)
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