New Green Texas Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 13, 2005
Lincolnton, NC
On Sunday I added two green Texas cichlids to my tank (60 gallon). Over the last two nights they have attacked my fantail goldfish and nearly killed him! I think he will die soon. I have isolated him in a container that fry go in to protect him.

Are green Texas cichlids normally this mean? I also have a cory in there they nipped him a little, but I think he is too fast for them. Any suggestions?
Ok, thank you for the advice guys. I have a betta tank I could put him in by himself, so we won't have to worry anymore, hopefully.
Temporarily I hope. Goldfish need at LEAST 10 gallons. Not a betta in there right? Goldfish need lower temps than bettas. :)
No, there isn't a Betta in the tank. I haven't put him in there yet. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.

Do fish regenerate there fins and scales? If not my goldfish is doomed.

On a side note, the Green Texas are pretty and very active.
He should be able to regrow his fins with really clean water, and maybe some Stress-Zyme+aloe or Stress-Coat+aloe. I am not too sure about the scales.
Just keep his water really really clean, and see how he does. :)
Scales, now that's debatable. If the injury is due to ulcers or a bad cut the scales may not grow back. If it's due to a minor rub or fight more then likely the scale will grow back. The scale may not be as nice as the old scale and may come back clear but it will come back. Scales to a fish is like fingernails to humans.
Here are a couple of pictures of the goldfish, he is isolated, but alive at least. He can't turn over very well due to the damaged fins. Poor little guy.:sad:


Sorry to see that happened to your goldie, that's why we stress full research before getting a new species (not saying you didnt , just in general) the tag semi-aggressive and green texas cichlids really only applies to them if their in larger set ups. Less than larger set ups will yield what has happened to your goldie. They can be very. Territorial when they feel cramped.
Are those pictures taken upside down? Hmm...give him time. If he doesn't improve you might want to look up fish euthanasia. A 1.5x dose of anesthetic clove oil followed by a vodka dose knocks them cold, it's relatively quick and painless.
Don't worry, just do what you can, you can't stop a train and you can't stop nature. Gold fish are tough he might rebound. I've had goldfish survive nearly an entire day in dry air and revived right away.
You only have one cory? He will be a lot funner if you add more, as many as you can get away with. The more the merrier!
I have decided to let nature take it's course. I put him back in the tank, the only one I have, currently he is still alive. Hopefully, the other fish will leave him alone so he can recover, but I seriously doubt it. We can just hope for the best.
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