Question on Ram....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
Here is my 26G setup now, after moving fish to my new 55G which cycled.

1 Bolivian Ram, 12 Small Neons, 5 Hengeli Rasboras, 2 CAE's, 2 Fire Red Dwarf Gouramis

Should I also move the Bolivian Ram to the 55G? He doesn't seem to like his new company, and was really good when the sharks were in there. Should I put him over with the sharks as well?
It could be that he is missing his old tankmates (if these guys were originally in the 26g?). If that's the case, moving him into the 55 would make sense.
Well, I caught him, which was a feat in itself, and drip-acclimated him and added to the new tank. Wasn't worried about temp, as the 2 tanks are within less than a degree of each other. I have a good quality digital thermometer on both tanks, with probes in the tank. So I just acclimated in case of any difference in chemistry and ph. And in less than 5 minutes after adding to the tank, he found his buddy the bala and follows him around. The bala is still trying to survey the tank, lol.
It's amazing how cichlids like the Bolivian Ram can have such a tight bond with something completely different, like the bala shark, both being somewhat aggressive fish. It's been quite the learning experience for me.
I can understand completely. I was warned about having both GBR and Bolivians (not to mention Serpae tetras) in the same tank. They love each other (at least for the moment). :)
Sounds sweet!......I'm glad you put him in there with his buddy. Weird how fish can make friends, perhaps he'll be happy now.
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