Stocking Question for 55 Gallon Mixed Mbuna Tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 7, 2003
Durham, NC
Hello All,

I've had my tank up and running (with fish added) for about 5 weeks now. I added 4 Labs and 4 Red Zebras the first week, then 7 Pseudo. Socofoli. Since then, I've only had 1 death - a Socofoli that got harassed and I have one harassed Lab in the "sick bay." - He's doing much better now.

Which brings me to my question. I would like to add one more species and bring the total in the tank to 18.

Is this something I can do without causing a stir?

What species do you recommend?

I was thinking Pseudo. Elongatus Yellowtail...

Also - is there such a thing as an African pleco?

Thanks in advance!
Pretty much any other mbuna species would do, though your tank is probably ideally stocked as it currently is.

As far as the final question, there are no african pleco's, but there are african catfish such as the various synodontis catfish. Most do well in african cichlid set ups.
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