Nuvo fusion peninsula 20 log

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They can come back just fine they just need pristine water params and stability which may be the problem in a new system like yours. Don’t feed it at all as this will just pollute the water column and is unnecessary. Just let it do it’s thing and see how it adjusts
They can come back just fine they just need pristine water params and stability which may be the problem in a new system like yours. Don’t feed it at all as this will just pollute the water column and is unnecessary. Just let it do it’s thing and see how it adjusts

I’ll add the t5’s tomorrow night for now I’m going to just leave it in the little spot it has found.
Thanks for the advice!
The white spots are dying tissue and I agree with hank that your lighting is inadequate for an anemone and the system is to new. Good luck though, I’ve always enjoyed carpets and rfa’s

So I’m being told elsewhere(a reef onlyforum) the white spots are not dying tissue, so I’m pretty confused on what to believe.
Regardless, it’s foot is now on the glass and making its way into the substrate. Hopefully by tonight it’s situated. Will still give it a bit of time to recover from a move before I feed, but picking up food today for it. Possibly mysis as I think the candy canes will eat that, as will the carpet and maybe the hammer. Also have reefroids on the way for General feedin of all the corals in the tank.
It let go of the substrate from old tank, that’s the rubble pile beside it. Foot Is 50%glass and 50%moving further into substrate. Has a clear line to light, and the flow is medium in this spot. T5ho on there for 4hours during full daylight on timer for now.
It'll move until it finds a spot it likes, but since it attached its foot is a step in the right direction.
It doesn't look like the white is dying tissue, but in this hobby it is always a good idea on anything that is white. Not a color you see normally in the hobby that means anything outside of 'something isn't right'.
It'll move until it finds a spot it likes, but since it attached its foot is a step in the right direction.
It doesn't look like the white is dying tissue, but in this hobby it is always a good idea on anything that is white. Not a color you see normally in the hobby that means anything outside of 'something isn't right'.

I’m keeping a close eye on it, hopefully it does well. I’m thinking the white is just off patterning as the lfs has others with similar look, they recently came in.
If this one does well I’m going to add a few more I really like the look
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