Sand bed help!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 28, 2011
My sand bed on my 20 gal. Is being blown away by the current of my pumps. What should I do?


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It's a power head and I set it into a perfect position so I really don't know what to do?
Clownfish101 said:
It's a power head and I set it into a perfect position so I really don't know what to do?

Define perfect?
I have maximized the amount of current in the tank with that power head and I don't want my anemone likes it and I don't want him to move.
The sand blowing around will probably cause a lot of problems no only for the animals in your tank but also the filter and powerheads. Can you aim it towards the top of the tank more so there is more surface rather than sand movement?
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