45g high. Low surface area Stocking questions

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Hello all. Dela here yet again. I hope you are enjoying the evolution of my aquarium. I have questions on how many fish to stock. Its a 45g high with the dimensions of ( im 90% sure) 36"L 12"D 24"H. WIth the fish calculator it said 9 inches minus the tail. Right now I have a purple pseudochromis and a Yellow Tang. The tang is about 3.5 inches right now. He should grow to a max of 8 inches and minus the tail plus the psuedo im already maxed out? I didn't plan on adding schools of chromis large angels or triggers. But I did have my hopes on 2 tank raised clowns. or a dwarf angel (most likely instead or I guess both if possible. 1 ocellaris and 1 black and white percula. both tank raised :D I would also like a dwarf angel. Something real small like Centropyge flavicauda. If you have any :?: about my setup im always online.
There is also many pics in my gallery.

Thanks all
Some of the smaller fish you have listed are fine but I would strongly urge returning the tang. Large growing fish need more room but a tang especially need a longer tank. It will end up stunting it's growth and causing health issues as it gets bigger. You should also not mix clown species, one type per tank preferabley mated.

What is the tangs growth rate? I do plan on getting a 75 long. Most likely I will have that by the summer. I may even be able to squeeze a tight budget and go for this march/april. Will the tang be happy for a few months? or is it all about swimming and nothing to do with his size?

At 3½" the tang will not continue to grow that fast depending on the amount and types of food fed but the sooner the 75 gal is set up the better. I would not wait until the summer. If all is said and done by march as suggested, you should be fine...

Hmmm, this sort of post is called trolling, I don't take kindly to it, nor do I take kindly to anyone treating my moderators like that. All in all, though, it was the lick me comment that got you banned.
Hopefully my decision to open this thread backup will not backfire on me. I have split off all of the bickering posts and moved them to site help/feedback. That kind of discussion will not be done here.
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