Algae ID

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Oh phew.
I've been doing 10 gal water changes about every 5 days on my 50 gallon (Aquavitro salt), I'll just continue doing that and siphoning it off and hope it goes away. I thought saltwater cyano was red? This looks exactly like it except green.
Any other suggestions? I have a 50 CAD light tank, a China box LED hung about 1 foot from the water surface on 9 hours a day, running an in sump reef octopus 110, 2 jebao wp10s, tank has been running ~3 months (upgraded from a 20g that was a year old and moved everything over) and I have it stocked with 2 skunk clowns and a citron goby.

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Reduce feeding and do a little larger wcs until it's gone is the easiest way to control it

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