Anyone with a Aquac Remora Pro Please help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 3, 2005
New York
I posted this in another thread without receiving a concrete answer and I would like to know a definite answer before spending $230 on this thing.

I am very interested in the AquaC Remora Pro as a hang on protein skimmer, but I am not sure if I will be able to use it. My tank has some extra glass
paneling on the top of it at the front and back of my tank. The
paneling measures 2.25 inches wide and it is 3.25 inches from the top
of it. I have attached a picture of my tank so you can get a better
idea of what I'm talking about.

So my question is, can I still use the AquaC Remora Pro on my tank? TIA

The remora pro only has a 2" space to sit on the tank. It's not going to fit over that extra peice of glass. :(
I think it will work but you may have to connect some tubing to the pump input to move it away from the glass. The water return should not hit. I know we were talking about this before and this is pretty much the same answer i gave you! It is hard to give a concrete answer with out seeing the tank in person.
Where would I buy this extra tubing from? I also might be able to fit the tube in the area of the tank that has no glass right in the corners.
You can get the tubing from any hardware store like home depot.

Is there anyway you could take that peice of glass off?
I think the glass pieces are siliconed together for some reason. I have no clue why this was done. I don't think there is any safe way to get rid of this glass.

I guess I'll bite the bullet and order the remora pro. For being helpful and patient with me, I'll be placing the order at shortly. Thanks for your help Darin.
Send the question to Aqua C. Give them the dimension (fax) and they will tell you for sure.
They usualy answer the same day.
Aquac just emailed me back saying:

Unfortunately with the extra
paneling on your tank, the Remora would not be able to hang on the tank.
The intake arm clearance is 1-1/2" and the water return ledge clearance is
1-3/8". The Remoras are our only models that do not require a sump and I'm
sorry to say that we wouldn't have a skimmer that could be used with your
tank's extra paneling.

So I guess that the Remora pro is out of the question for me then. Is there any skimmer that could suit my needs given my situation?
Probably a sump would be your best bet. To have that much clearanace to fit your tank, a skimmer would not fit right on 95% of the other tanks on the market.
Something like this looks like it would firt nicely. It's a Red Sea Berlin Skimmer Classic- Hang On. What do you guys think about this skimmer?

Red Sea Skimmer[/url]

edit: I just spoke to a representative at bigalsonline and they told me that this skimmer has up to 6 inches of clearance. It looks like this is the only skimmer I have seen on the market that will be usable for my situation. So now my question is if this is a good skimmer? They told me it is rated up to 250 gal and needs a rio2500 pump. TIA
IF you set up a sump, you have a lot better options with skimmers than HOB models.
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