Aquascaping . . .

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 1, 2004
North Carolina
-If I wanted to rearrange my lr, (good amount) how would I do that in a established tank with a few corals and fish inhabitants?

-If anyone has a few ideas on good arrangements I am more than willing. I also expect is to take a while 8O

If it were me I would put my corals all on the front and move the rock where you want it and then replace the corals. I would have some fresh SW on hand to do a PWC if you get an ammonia spike. It looks like on your info that you really dont have a ton of corals so you should be OK. I also see you have an unknown coral. Post a pic of it on the ID forum and we will tell you what it is. Good Luck on the aquascaping.
I like Mel's idea of doing it during a water change. I would drain the water into a large container like a rubbermaid and us it as a "holding" tank for the corals. Add a heater and powerhead and place your corals in it. Now is not a bad time to dunk the rock in a bucket of SW to remove detritus. Arange the rock as you wish and replace the water. Put the corals back and take a pic so we can see the change!
That should be fine. You may want to have some extra water on hand just in case.
-Last time I did this my sand became all stirred up and I was placing my lr blindly. How can I avoid this this time so I can actually have a stable setup?

I would suggest truning off all water movement devices, phs, pump, skimmer. Only turn them off for a little while. This might be a project that needs to be done over time depending on how much gets stirred up. Maybe work on one side, let things settle down and move to the next section.
I agree with the above, I like caves (so do some of your critters), overhangs and!
If you are going to move the rock around you cant escape the problems you are going to encouter. You`ll just need to control the degree of it by doing as Scott said and cut your PH`s off and try not to stir too much up.
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