Blue acan eating green clown goby

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 23, 2013
I'm getting a blue acan in the mail soon, but I just found something that says acans can eat gobies. Is this true? Btw, I have a 3G jbj pico, and a small green clown goby. Thanks for any help!
No way would it ever be able to catch and eat it

Ok -- thanks! The happycoral site says large acans sometimes eat small perching fish like gobies, but it sounded pretty sketchy to me to.
No problem! I have 4 acans that are always hungry and my blenny (3") perches on them all the time. They just shrink down.
Lol yeah, just checking bc I did see a thread where someone's acan ate a bengai cardinal.
There is more going on in that guy's tank than he let on or knew about. No way could a coral like that catch a fish. What probably happened was the fish died or was dying, and then it fell into the coral.
Here's some kind of mushroom spiting out my clown goby, must of been weak or died in the night as was fine before lights went out.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1393442156.054055.jpg
Thanks but had pair so still got one little guy, you'll be ok as long as fish are healthy
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