Brown algae issue

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 24, 2014
What to do?

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All algae is basically a result of excess nutrients (nitrates+phosphates). To get rid of it, you need to fix the nutrient problem. When you test for nitrates and phosphates and algae is present, they may read 0 because the algae binds them. However, by lowering them, you'll starve the algae and get rid of it. You can manually remove it as well while you're decreasing the nitrates and phosphates. What's in the tank? Tank size? Filtration?

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How long has the tank been set up? It looks like it is diatoms, which feed off of silicates. This is a common part of the early stages of a setup. They will die off once the silicates are all consumed from the sandbed.
It is also possible that it could be dinos, but hard to tell from such a long shot away.
25 gallon tank. 1 black clown fish. 1 dotty back. 2 emerald crabs. 2 peppermint shrimp. 9 kenya tree coral. Live rock. (obviously). 1 Hydor powerhead. 1 aquaclear 50 hob filter w/ seachem seagel phosphate remover, activated carbon, and filter floss. 1 bio cube air driven protein skimmer. 48 watt T5 set up.

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Tank has been up and running for about a month now, but I only just recently added the skimmer. My tap water is also very hard. I've long suspected that to be a culprit.

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White things are un eaten food pellets. Just fed them.

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Doesn't look like diatoms. I'd say either a brown cyano or dinos. Tap water is asking for parameter issues in saltwater. You want as close to 0 TDS as possible, which is why we say RO/DI is your best bet to be successful.
Having food sitting and rotting in the sandbed like that is also building up the issue at hand. Remove all uneaten food and feed sparingly. Nutrients in means you have to take nutrients out, even if they consume it.
25 gallon tank. 1 black clown fish. 1 dotty back. 2 emerald crabs. 2 peppermint shrimp. 9 kenya tree coral. Live rock. (obviously). 1 Hydor powerhead. 1 aquaclear 50 hob filter w/ seachem seagel phosphate remover, activated carbon, and filter floss. 1 bio cube air driven protein skimmer. 48 watt T5 set up.

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That's also a big bio load for a 1 month old nano. Slow down a little and take Hanks advice and you should be fine.
Can I purchase Pre packaged Rodi water?

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Maybe. It depends on your area. There are some LFS or even grocery stores that have ro/di machines that will dispense the water for you. Only draw back is that you don't know when the last time they changed their filters, so you need to keep up with checking the TDS.
It's also a pain to drive and fill buckets up. You can get a good unit for under $100 on eBay. Much more convenient if you make it at home.

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Maybe. It depends on your area. There are some LFS or even grocery stores that have ro/di machines that will dispense the water for you. Only draw back is that you don't know when the last time they changed their filters, so you need to keep up with checking the TDS.

The machines around here, so. Cal., all have a digital read out on the front that clearly shows the last time it was serviced/filters changed.
If it goes past the life of the filters, the machine will not dispense any water.
Found that out the hard way and had to drive to another location. LOL
From what I can tell, they are serviced on average every ten days/two weeks.

Can't recall the specific name/brand though :confused:
Dealing with the same thing right now. I started heavily rinsing all frozen food, 10% water changes weekly, increase flow, and running both Phosguard and GFO simultaneously... It is finally subsiding and my sand is looking white again. Be patient, it does take some time...

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Can I purchase Pre packaged Rodi water?

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Very expensive hobby, especially when you want things done right. I learned the hard way on various things. So my advice is get your own RO unit. I have a 4-stage RO/DI Plus from BRS. Trust me, you won't regret it and it can make you oodles of water before needing to change out any of the resin or filters.
Hi folks, sorry I got a new phone so my app wasn't installed. Didn't realize so many people had responded. RO water is pH neutral right? I've been told that when you make your salt water, with instant ocean sea salt in my case, it gets the pH where it needs to be. Also, what's the difference between RO water Rodi water? I've seen regular RO water but not Rodi. I realize it stands for deionized but I'm just wondering why having Rodi vs RO is important. Thanks!

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