BRS two-part dosing question

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I've used it for about two years. I have both on separate dosers. What are your questions?

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Well, the website (BRS) says to add the same amount of Alk as you do Ca every day. My tank's numbers do not apply. Is it ok to add different amounts of Alk and Ca due to my tank's consumption?

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Definitely do not add more than you need. Every tank is different. Keep your system as close to nsw as you can, and avoid fluctuations if at all possible.
My tank's Ca drops 10ppm a day and the Alk drops 0.9dKh a day. When I plug those numbers into their calculator, the amount to dose is different from each other. Do I just add the same amount averaged from the two, or add the amount that the calculator says, even though they are different?

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I'm not sure I'm following your question. There is no need to dose the same amount of alk and calcium. My tank routinely uses more calcium than the ash. Also keep in mind that their standard mixing ratios are different for calcium than the ash.

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I get that. I watched their video on two part dosing and it said to add the same amount for both sides. If you can, watch the video on youtube and see. It kinda confuses me.

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You want to add the amount to keep your Ca around 420 and you Alk 11-7. Opinions vary on Alk with the 7 being closer to natural sea water. I ALWAYS go through Ca much faster than Alk

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I keep my Ca around 430. So, in order for me to keep it there, I add approx. 80ml each day. The calculator says to add only 57ml of Alk to accommodate my usage, which is approx. 0.9 - 1.0dKh each day. So, which do I dose?

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I have the additives from BRS, the alk, mag, and calcium. I've never even opened the mag and calcium boxes, let alone mixed it up to dose like I have for alk.
The problem is that cal and alk effect each other. For most systems the common solution was to ignore that fact and dose equally. There is no down side to adding more of one than the other, just watch your test parameters and dial it in over a few months. I pretty much ignore the cal and let it do its thing as I dose kalkwasser/vinegar and a tiny bit of calcium solution. I monitor the alk more closely and dose to keep it from 8-10.

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So, now, I'm even more confused. Will it hurt if I dose according to their consumption, which is 57ml for the alk and 82 for the ca each day?

Remember, amateurs built the Ark and professionals built the Titanic.
And if I dose the same, which value should I go by?

Remember, amateurs built the Ark and professionals built the Titanic.
If you haven't notice, when you dose one of the 3 elements (mag, alk or cal) the other tends to drop down with some proportion. Meaning the more amount you dose, the more the other will drop down. When you are dosing according to your measured daily consumption, it would mean you have to add a bit more of the other to compensate for that interaction. It's what we call the "balancing act". Manufacturers just over simplify their instruction and it is not followed by most including me. I even rarely dose cal just the ash. Just take note that it's not ideal to raise the 3. One of them has to give way for the other to go higher. Meaning if you want your cal high, you need to set your alk between 7 and 8 dkH.
So, if I keep my alk at 8, and my tank still uses alk and ca, when do I add the ca? It is still being used up.

Remember, amateurs built the Ark and professionals built the Titanic.
So, if I keep my alk at 8, and my tank still uses alk and ca, when do I add the ca? It is still being used up.

Remember, amateurs built the Ark and professionals built the Titanic.

If you are thirsty, when do you drink? It depends on your preference but as long as cal don't drop below 400 you are good. Edit: Just make sure before dosing cal, your mag must not be below 1300 otherwise precipitation will occur and you will have hard time raising cal. It is also important to raise any of them slowly.
So now, I have one more question. Yesterday I tested my water and was as follows: Ca=395, Alk=7.0, Mg=1440. Today it was: Ca=410, Alk=6.4, Mg=1480. I tested at the same time both days. Can anyone explain this to me please?

Remember, amateurs built the Ark and professionals built the Titanic.
What tests are you using?

And for the record, being cheap and hurrying the project sunk the titanic. Time and good practice keeps others afloat.

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