Ca/Alk levels

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 22, 2004
British Columbia
Collecting opinions...What do you run your Ca/Alk levels at? I'm 410/2.86mEq, but thinking maybe I should increase both.
450 & 9-11 (I don't know the mEq that correlates to off the top of my head :))
I think 1 meg/L = 2.8 Dkh.

I run mine at 420 Ca and 3-3.5 meg/L. I used to use Kalk but I am seeing how it goes with just normal water changes with Oceanic salt. I have been topping off straight RO water for 3 weeks now and so far so good.

I have a hammer, frogspawn, Lobo, candy cane, Yellow scroll, Orange Monti cap, Monti Digita, Blue tip Acro(2"), tricolor acro(2"), Staghorn acro(5"), blue/purple acro(4"), Green bali slimer(2")

I am not seeing a big Ca usage yet but my colonies are small still.
Brad said:
Collecting opinions...What do you run your Ca/Alk levels at? I'm 410/2.86mEq, but thinking maybe I should increase both.
Almost identical to what you have now, mabye a tad lower. Has been for many many years.

Unless you have a chronic pH problem, I see no benefit in elevating from where you have them now. IME it's pretty much right where you need it to be for healthy scleractinian growth.

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