Can Zoo's move when they are attached to rock?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 1, 2005
My zoo's were moving their rocks a little this morning. At first I thought it was my starfish but then I saw him at the back of the tank and I knew it wasn't him. Do they have the ability to move if their rock is small?


I would probably say no.

it was probably the current in the tank.
No it couldn't have been it was like a jumping motion. Both pieces of rocks where located differently. I don't know maybe I have clams I don't know about.

Are we celebrating Cinco de Mayo a little early today?

Do you have snails? If the rock is kinda loose already, a snail can get under or behind it while cleaning; thus making the rock move.
What other pets do you have in your tank?
I have 2 crabs
1 urchin
2 false perc clowns
1 blennie
12 margaretia snails
4 hermit crabs
1 sea serpent
1 cb shrimp

I've never seen my snails bury in the sand. I don't think they are the kind that do that.
It may have been the zoos spliting to break off the rock to start a new colony somewhere in the tank mine ocasionally do that.
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