Chemi Clean Findings

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I emailed Chemi Clean, they asked for specifics of what I had done, and then they must have not gotten what was going on, so who replies? The maker of Chemi Clean himself, Matthew Boyd!

He says after reasearching my problem, I might have a mutant form of cyano, that is very very tough to kill, hence my problem.
He said if I used it like I said (And I told the truth ;) ) the cyano should be gone by now.

MUTANT Cyano? No wonder I couldnt get rid of it!
MUTANT Cyano? No wonder I couldnt get rid of it!
I have heard of cyano becoming resistent to antibiotics, etc. No matter what, "mutant" or not, it still feeds off the same things. An excess of any of those things and it will return. You need to do more than add chemi-clean in the long run.
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