Clown Sweet Lip eating habits?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 28, 2004
New Berlin, WI
My wife and I just purchased a clown sweet lip. It always goes for the food (flakes) but spits it out seconds later. I would think it would eat more for it's size. Should we be feeding it something else? Thanks!
Sweetlips are members of the snapper family, you may need to feed live foods to get it to eat, then train it to eat other dead meaty foods. IME, clown sweet lips and oriental sweet lips can be very troublesome to get to feed.
I did some research on sweetlips on wetwebmedia and they pretty much recomended not to purchase them or return them if possible. Their natural diet is almost impossible to reproduce in an aquarium and most will perish in a short period of time. In the FAQ's one of the people who run the site said the only successful story they had was somebody who would soak a high quality food in vitamins then feed this food to feeder fish, then feed the fish to the sweetlips so it was actually getting the vitaimins from the food that the feeder fish ate plus the vitamins of the feeder fish. In addition, most of these fish get very large. Sorry, not trying to upset you but I thought you'd like to know.
Ya, sweeplips are carnivore, they eat meaty food, I don't think its easy to let them eat flakes. Try some live food 1st, maybe add some vitamin to the water to replenish. Try fresh water shrimps and maybe live black worms.
I've had the clown sweetlips several times over the past 15 or so years and whether small (1-1.5") or med (2-3"), they have never survived for me. I've had it where they never ate and perished and I've had it where they ate frozen and flake foods, but lasted only about a month and died mysteriously. I've chalked this species up with the Regal Angel, Moorish Idols & Clown Tangs, leave them @ the LFS and hopefully their demand dwindles.
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