Coral placement

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 9, 2015

My new coral is not attached to either a plug of a rock. Is it safe to glue it onto the rock?
True story, I just got an acro frag and found the perfect spot in the tank. I HATE plugs, my tank doesn't have a single plug in it so I took the acro off the plug to glue directly to the live rock. I took some gel crazy glue and covered the base of the coral. When I squished the coral into the hole on the live rock a bunch of crazy glue squished out. No biggy I thought, eventually the coral will encrust over it.

Well, my bird wrasse saw the glue and thought DINNER! He started picking at the goo right on the rock, strings of crazy glue were attached to his beak and the rockwork. He was taking globs and swallowing them! I was freaking trying to get him away from the glue but he was possessed, he absolutely loved the taste of it! I thought for sure he was going to die.

I quickly started feeding him big krill hoping the food would at least mix with the glue inside him. Its been weeks now and he's just fine, I guess he passed it or something. I was just picturing it hardening inside of him and killing him...:(

So ya, I'm never putting soft glue in my tank
Same thing happened with a emerald green crab for me. He was not happy when I finally saw one of his claws shut and had to take him out to get it off. Luckily he molted like a week later. Solved the problem himself lol.

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A friend of mine had similar with a foxface if grabbed some glue mid water but it sadly glued it's lips shut :(

He tried to save it but it died.

I take all my frags of the plugs as I cannot stand frag plugs but I just miliput them to the rock and had no issues
If you can, use old tank water and a turkey baster to 'cure' the glue before putting it into the tank. It will help prevent it from being any type of issue.
When it comes to frag plugs, they can be unsightly...but using a diamond boring drill bit on rocks will make a perfect hole in the rock for them to fit into. Over time, the sps will cover it up.

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