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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 26, 2011
I have gone through my cycle, added a clown, have a cuc, and have already had a phase of Diatoms. I use distilled water and have a protein skimmer. For the past week I have been dealing with a lot of diatoms and the new growth of coralline algae on my base rock. Everything is healthy and nitrates are at 3. Is there any reason this is happening? I am not having that much of a problem getting it of the sand and rocks but it seems a little too tedious to be true. Is it because I have a clown that was just added and the bacteria didn't have enough time to grow and reproduce? Thanks!
No diatoms are normal for new tanks, give them a few weeks and they will go away, they are mainly eating up excess nutrient, silicates and phosphates. Just sit back, keep up with tank maintenance and it will be fine.
I know phosphates are from water, so would it help if I got rodi water instead or does distilled water have no phosphate in it? Also, should I be cleaning it off the glass, sand and rocks or just leave it there?
Clean it off and let the skimmer filter it out. I think every new tank goes through this, its part of nature. Just keep at it and eventually it will go away. Some even say its from silicate leaching out of new glass that helps feed it. Just keep cleaning and doing water changes and soon enough it will be gone and something else will drive you nuts until your tank is fully set in like a year...lol
Coraline algae is great!!!!! And those diatoms will go away, I had them for awhile and no have. None. It's from silicates will there will be none of after the diatoms finish them.
Lol thanks! I'll keep up with everything and clean it regularly. Why are there silicates in the water? I thought that came from the tap. It's getting pretty brown, how do I get it off the sand, just blow it with a pipette?
Either moving your sand around some yourself or get something that will do it for you...like a hermit crab or whatever.

I use nothing but RO/DI water and I have diatoms in my tank. It's fine. If you want to limit them, then don't have your lights on as long as you are currently and it will help out some. Keep doing weekly PWC.

Just relax and go with the flow, all sounds good so far.
Alright, I should just let It go through its phase then. I'll check back in a while when I see a significant change, good or bad.
The silicates came from something you put in your tank, whether be LR or your substrate. Mine BIG daitom bloom came from my live sand I put in my fuge. I was lucky and the bloom never made it to the DT, but if I were you, I'd leave it alone. Just like all the post before me, just let it run its course. It's a good sign that you tank is done cycling. Oh, I wouldn't move the sand around, let your CUC do that, their the pros =)

Stay Salty,
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