Drip Method

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2008
I was reading in another thread about the Drip Acclamation method.... Is this the best way to do it? Been a FW keeper for 15 years and never had a problem with my fish, but now that I have switched over to SW and just wondering if the drip mehtod works the same for both? Only reason why i ask becasue I have always just pokes small pin size the smallest one you could get on each side of the bags but I never let the air out and thats always worked great for me just acclamating my fish never had a problem.... So just wondering if the drip method is better?
The other problem with the pin-hole method is that it will let the fish store water into your tank... if I'm understanding your method correctly. Whatever the method, in the end, don't just dump the bag into your tank - you want to keep that water out of your tank.
Very likey /dramatic.

Thing about how your fish store operates. All those little aquariums they house their stock in are all fed via the same water system. So basically every fish they have, from unhealthy looking ones nobody will buy to the shipment this morning that has god knows what living on him all share one big aquarium. Do you really want to put that soup into your carfully maintained habitat?

****, if I could freeze dry the fish and rehydrate them with my water before putting them in my tank I would.
It also acclimates them to the salinity of your tank.....
I use the drip method. It also gives me a change to move stuff in the tank, if needed and other tank stuff.
Also, most LFS's keep their salinity at a lower level to prevent disease.
Ironically, never low enough to make an impact whatsoever. Funny how that is XD

I agree, but much lower to be effective would most likely kill the hitch hikers on the LR....So then you would have to drip acclimate the LR as well....
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