Dying mushroom?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 16, 2012
Only thing I can think of is that this particular mushroom is getting too much light. Other heads are looking healthy. The only difference I can see is that the healthy ones are under partial shade.

This is an interesting piece because it also seems to have several sponges (brown, black,etc. ).

Not sure if it's visible or not (I'm on my phone app), but there are some smaller life all over the rock as well. I'll try to retake the image for better ID purposes.

As for the mushroom, should I frag this one and put it under shade? Or if it's partially bleached like this is cutting the head off a bad idea?


Here's a better image.

1. What are those polyps growing around the mushroom? (I wondered if it was a hydroid species).

2. How can I save this mushroom head? I thought they were pretty hardy and could live anywhere. Maybe this species does better with less light?
Mushrooms are super hardy so somethings weird here. Did something sting it maybe?
Are you talking about the ricordea? That's what it looks like in the pic. Mine all seem to better higher up in the tank.
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