firefish eat pods?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 21, 2003
Lincoln, NE
I'm wondering because I have two madarins that have been happy and well fed until a recent decline in the pod population after adding a few firefish. I am adding live brineshrimp. I used to see thousands of pods on our glass after stirring the substrate or cleaning the tank and lately none so could it be the firefish or the watchman goby that is also a new addition?

All of the species mentioned, manderin, firefish, and watchman goby are in the same family, Gobiidae. Therefore I believe that all hunt for pods. I would try to cultivate pods in your fuge so no one goes hungry. I think that the mandarins will show the sign of stress first.
I was gonna ask the same question, as I want a more self contained reef. I have only feed my fire 1 a week or so with brine(frozen) , but my pods are border line out of control. I added a yellow watchmen and the first nite he even was taking on hte black and red striped worms.
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