Fish Ratings?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 27, 2004
Houston Texas
Ok…my question is what do these fish rating that various site have really mean. For example, has Easy, Moderate, or Difficult care levels for various fish, but what does that mean. Specifically the Dwart Angle group, all of them are Moderate care level. I think I can understand why Tangs are, because they eat allergy and are more susceptible to diseases because of that, but I don’t really know. What I’m asking is, if I buy a Eibl’s Angel and I has a Moderate care level what extra precautions will I have to take over buying a Trigger fish with a easy care level? Could someone break this down to me? Also, does the Moderate care level mean the same thing across all fish or does it differ from fish to fish?
Its all generalizations. Easy usually means "eats anything" and can handle non pristine water conditions. Moderate is having a somewhat specialized diet and sensitivity to water conditions. Difficult means "don't do it" as they won't live long in captivity without expert care.
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