help dosing alkalinity buffer

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 23, 2003
Nebraska, USA
my tank always seems a little low on pH and alkalinity...mainly cuz I have no idea how much of my buffer to add.

I use this site for dosing calcium:

however they don't have my alk buffer listed. I use Kent's Superbuffer dKh, which is a dry bicarbonate buffer. The label reads: 1 tsp dissolved in 8oz water, per 30gallons, every day until you reach target levels.

Currently I'm sitting at 2.8meq/L or 8 dKh.
Calcium is doing well at I need to get alk up to 3.5meq/l to be balanced.

Can anyone shed some light on proper dosing? I suspect I'm severely underdosing the buffer, and at the current rate will never catch up.
If this is for your 40 gal reef, the balance for 425 ppm Ca is 3.2 mEq/l. Use the Seachem dry buffer calculation, they are chemically the same/similar.

Calculating on an actual water volume of 38 gal (displacement), to raise the alk from 2.8 to 3.2 you would need about ¾ of a teaspoon or 3.5 grams.

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