Hermit crab question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 3, 2011
Sunny South Florida
Do they molt? I'm not sure if I have a dead one floating around or if it molted during a shell change. Also how can one tell the difference?
If it helps, his hind parts are somewhat clear, but he still has color in his legs and the parts you would normally see.
I don't know much about hermits but I know other crabs do, can you take it out and check? Molts can have colour in them aswell :)
Just found out they do molt like other crabs, hope your guy is okay.
You're very welcome, I got this from google, it's supposed to be a hermits molt, does it look anything like this?

I never saw any molts from my hermits in my tank they always moved to a bigger shell. But I never seen any molts laying around. Not sure which ones I have but I am thinking it is the red ones.
Another question on these darling little creatures. I was able to count them the other day and found 13 them. About 3 weeks ago I only bought 10. Is it possible to have 3 more already? Do they multiply that fast?
No but they can hitch a ride on pretty much anything you buy since they are so common in SW tanks
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