Interesting coral

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 30, 2007
Woodbridge, Va
anyone ever seen one of these corals or know why it would be worth 450$ I didn't a quick internet search and didn't find any good articles
Awww...the dendros. They are a bit pricey indeed. They are are nice (and much coveted) LPS corals. I see a single polyp frag around here going for $50-$60. Think of it as a cross between an orange sun coral and an Aussie duncan. They can be a bit hard to keep so I would suggest looking at a simple orange sun coral instead. They require more target feedings but seem to be easier to keep. I have two sun coral coloneys and love the color.
haha thanks for the info but i was just interested to know what it was not actually considering buying it. That one coral costs more then all the money i have. I do love the sun corals though. Those have such awesome colors. My brother just got one for his 90g tank.
It is a very interesting coral but too rich for my taste. Almost similar to the orange or yellow sun polyps.
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