Is QTing neccesary?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 22, 2011
Before u rip me a new one, I'm QTing, just know some don't. I would like to hear others opinions of y they do or don't... This isn't a debate, it's an inquiry...
I'm doing it now after I lost 6 fish due to not qt'ing. If I had qt'd the blue caribbean tang he would have died within a week or less and saved all my other fish. It took tragedy for me to take this step.
Personal preference i guess..,but i can't understand why anyone wouldn't do it..
I do it if I don't get the fish from my LFS, since they QT all fish for 2 weeks and FW dip them in front of you before they sell them to you.
i had the same issue though, my lfs qt'd a blue caribbean tang for me, even dipped him and within 5 days or so he died and took 5 other fish with him.

I'm pretty liberal but I feel the extra 2 weeks or so isnt gonna do anything but good. It's worth it in my opinion.
my QT tank also is having obnoxious parameters. stupid nitrates... would it help to just add 1 small piece of live rock to help with the bio filtration?
I wouldnt. If you have to treat the tank it will leech into the live rock. Maybe do a water change? Export some of those trates out?
There other reason to QT other than disease prevention..
If my LFS guaranteed 100% healthy disease free fish ,i would still QT it
i know i know, i have it set up and everything, just asking about a small piece of live rock from the DT
That would be fine ,but where would you put the rock?Ich could easily be in it already from said fish that was in the QT

I have tons of rubble rock LOL i could afford to lose a few. i would just put it in the QT tank. like, the middle of it.
Personally i think it would be fine to put in...I always have LR in my QT set ups too...i also only do Hypo
If I buy from a LFS I never QT. In fact, I never QT at all, and have had no issues. Not that QTing is bad, it's just that if you get your fish from a reputable/clean LFS then there is no need to. Furthermore, you want to be especially careful when "dipping" certain species of fish. For example, tangs are notorious for becoming highly stressed with copper dips. That stress actually lowers their immune system and makes them more susceptible to disease/infection. If you catch the signs of ICK or other disease soon enough, simply conduct water changes and treat the system with the appropriate treatments for about a week and you should have no long-term problems. QT = overrated. But that's just my opinion/experience.
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