Keeping tangs together

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 3, 2002
Highland , IL
Who has successfully kept tangs together. I am keeping a yellow and a regal together now. I put the regal in second and it was smaller. I am thinking of putting in a powder blue. Just wanted to hear any success or horror stories. My tank is a 150 gallon. ( keep in mind, I love to bend the so call "rules" of fish keeping!)
I used to have a powder blue, powder brown and a yellow tang together. Now I have a sailfin, yellow and a brown scopas never had problems with any living together they always were/are whithin inches of one another.
I had a hippo, naso and sailfin together and they did great.

Tank 2 has a Naso Lopezi, Desjardini and Scopas and they do fine together.
I keep 3 yellows, and a palani in a 125. May add a kole tang as well.
I have a hippo and a yellow in a 180. They chase each other occasionally, but both have been in the tank and healthy for almost a year. I've never seen any real aggression. With most tangs, as long as you don't have two that are the same color and body shape, aggression won't be a problem. Two yellows, two purples, two hippos, ect... can be a problem. You can, with a bit of luck, keep them in threes if you have the room. It isn't recommended though.
I keep a Yellow eyed tang(kole Tang) and a yellow tang and they are buds

Mr. Marine
it is always a gamble. I have a purple tang and recently added a yellow. the pruple was the ruler of the tank, but now the smaller yellow runs the joint. Weird. I think they are like people, you just never know who is going to get along. Let us know how it goes...Lando
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