long tentacle anemone question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 2, 2004
des moines, ioway
yeah...how do every one...i have a tomatoe clown..i got him cuz i thought he would chill out with the condy i had...but no....so i went and bought a long tentacle today...will the clown just know to go to it...or what.
It may take a while but usually they just find it eventually on their own if they are going to . An lta is a good choice though.
How big is your tank? I have 2 rbta's in a 20g and 2 bta's, 1 sebae, and 1 flower anemone in our 90g tank.
I just put a long tentacle anemone in my tank two weeks ago. Within the same day, my Clarkii clown was doing the happy dance in the center of it. The Clarkii is about a year old and has never seen an anemone before. They're both get'n along pretty well. It's amazing how the Clarkii instinctively knows what to do. The other fish stay far away from the both.
its a 55 gallon reef tank...and thanx for the replys...but as soon as i came back from the fish store...somehow my tomatoe clown got sucked up in to my filter thingy and freakin died...so off to the store to get another one... :cry:
currently i have just a coralife 2x65....i will be getting more with an upgrade...i want either a 36" or 48" retro or regular. but i cant afford it for 2 weeks....do i need more light for the lta?
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