lots of ?'s on upgrading my tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 16, 2005
I currently run a FOWLR 20L, home to 2 small clownfish and a small flame angel, with about 15-20lbs LR, 2" LS, a millennium 3000 filter, and 2 MJ 600's. This weekend i'm picking up a 55 gal and upgrading to that.

First of all, what are my options concering the filtering for now? Not sure about a sump yet, i may use my 20L for that, if i go with a sump. More LR will definitly be added, but that will occur over time. What do you recommend as far as filtering? Will a Fluval 404 and never having a sump be effective enough with my LR completed? Just run the HOB and eventually take it away as i load up the LR? I'm also picking up a aqua c skimmer soon.

2nd, I don't really want to use ph's in this tank. I like the idea of using a closed loop and having multiple returns. Which pump would you recommend i get to have enough flow for my 55 gal, pumping the water up around 4ish feet, with about 4 returns? Is that enough returns? Say i eventually run a sump, would that be seperate from the closed loop...or will it go overflow -> sump -> pump -> closed loop returns?

Last is on the light...i'm looking in to the coralife 4x65w pc. Running FOWLR, will the coralife unit be overkill, causing algae, etc? Its a possibility that i may try corals in the future (the way i'm going it's pretty much a certainty haha), so if its alright, i'm just gonna spring for the pc lights so i won't need to do any upgrading if/when i'm ready for corals.

Sorry for all the Q's, just wanna get this tank set-up right, as i don't see myself upgrading larger than this for awhile (I wanted a 100+, but limited apt space picked the 55 for me :lol: ) And seeing as how i'm about to dump some cash on equip, any specific online place that i should look in to giving my business to? I'd prefer to get it all at one place. Looks like nobody is gonna get gifts from me this yr :oops: And if you can think of anything else that's helpful or i didn't think of, please, let me know! Thanks in advance!!!
I would run a skimmer for mechanical filtration only. I think a coral life super skimmer 65 should be good for a 55 gal. You can mount it in a sump or HOB if you like. A 4x65 PC setup should be fine for any of the soft corals you may choose to have, however you may want to look into metal halide lighting to open your options up a little bit more.
I can't really help you with the sump so maybe someone else can grab that question.

www.liveaquaria.com has many great products you may be interested in.
I wouldn't have just askimmer alone. They are more referred to as achemical filter and only take out little organics and all that in the water before they go through the nitrification cycle. They do take out some larger stuff but I honestly think that almost all tanks should have at least a simple power filter to help suck up all the gunk before it rots on the bottom of the tank.

In most cases a simple hob power filter will work but I would recommend getting the fluval right off the bat.If your getting a sump and lr than you have enough biological filtration and water volume to stabilize your tank. The canister wil help airate and filter the gunk out of the tank so you can remove it before it rots away.
Really look into at least a pwer filter, you can go down to walmart and get one for about 30 bucks so why exclude it?

For the lighting I can't really comment. I really don't get into those things yet. It somewhat onfuses me and i'll never get into stony corals so I don't really see a need to. But from what i've heard and read a little power compact will suffice for some of hte lower light critter like shrooms and some other sooft corals. If you get into hard corals than mh is the wisest choice.
What kind of corals are zoos? I like the color variations of them and would look in to getting those first when i decide to try corals. Will the pc light be sufficient for these?

I think for now, my plan is to just get the 4x65 pc light, and a external pump for my DIY closed loop, then just load up on the LR before i really get in to anything else. Once i've got my LR stocked up, i'll have a better idea of what specifically i want to do. I figure with my 2 clowns and a flame angel in a 55g, i shouldn't be getting too much funky stuff in the water.

Any suggestions for a pump to get me to the required water flow, pumping up about 4ft and in to 4 returns?
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