mantis shrimp removal

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 12, 2004
Omaha Nebraska
ok, I bought a rock with like 10 mushrooms on it for 40 bucks, and I noticed that there was a mantis shrimp swimming around in the bag and he would go in and out of the rock. so I got home, and I put the water and the rock into a bucket and let it sit hoping the shrimp would come I waited........and waited........and waited.........and 3 hours from then (right now), he still hasnt come out of the rock. I really want to get the rock into my tank but im NOT putting that shrimp in there with it. Any removal suggestions?
Use a turkey baster to flush him out with salt water. I would not do a freshwater dip unless he is in an isolated part of the rock and you could just dip that part. If you have any seltzer just bring it up to the proper salinity and use it to flush him out.
Use SG adjusted (unsweetened) carbonated water and a turkey baster. The do not like it at all.
thanks for the help you guys! I got him out with a turkey bastor. this site is awesome! everybody is so helpful!

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