My DIY HOB AC110 fuge...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
Some pics attached

Decided against any sort of substrate and will be growing chaeto with some live rock rubble on the bottom. Siliconed the baffle to force water down and under, and then made a grate so nothing can flow out of the filter ouput. Will be using the led clip on that came with my spec 2.




Nice. I believe that i read somewhere that people have changed out the impeller to slow the water flow through LR and chaeto was wondering if you were planning the same. I had thoughts of doing this in the past and never got around to it. Keep us updated.
Nice. I believe that i read somewhere that people have changed out the impeller to slow the water flow through LR and chaeto was wondering if you were planning the same. I had thoughts of doing this in the past and never got around to it. Keep us updated.

The 110 motor does not allow the smaller impellars. The ac20/50/70 have the ability to interchange the impellers, but not the 110 because of the different motor. Took a bit of research to find this info, but they are different sizes. Theres a way to cut the tab that blocks the intake tube from adjusting any further to the right that you can cut to allow further adjustment, but I'm not going to do that. I am also considering siliconing a strip of acrylic across the output of the filter, and scuffing it up with sandpaper. If I do that, I will look for a red led strip and find a way to hang it right over it, and it will act as an algae scrubber.
Price is not to bad and you can cut them every 3" to what ever length you need. Just silicone the end good if you cut them.
Couple pics of fuge in action... I put a piece of egg crate on the bottom that rests on some tabs to allow flow under the rock. I also propped the intake tube up a bit which helped slow the flow.




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