Need parameter help please!

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Scotty Fraiser

Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 18, 2013
110 gall mixed reef
35 gall sump
Nextreef reactor with Gfo
Bubble magus auto doser

Parameters have gotten out of whack. I assume due to me overdosing calcium. I quit dosing calcium about a month ago and it's not coming down. I do 15 gall pwc every 14 days using rodi water and aquavitro salt. I am also dosing with aquavitro products. My parameters are.
Phos. .16
Cal. 581
Alk. 6.4
Mag. 1400
Any and all advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance. Tank is moderately stocked with mixed corals that appear to be fine but little to no growth.
What's the Ca reading of the saltwater your using for water changes?
Feeding 1/2 thimble of dry flakes a day. Then a marble size of frozen homemade once a week. Never really checked calcium level of new tank water. Had doser adding 5 ml of calcium a day. Prior to this my calcium level was slowly creeping down. May stop auto doser altogether. Ph is 8.2.
Tank is heavily stocked with fish also. Everyone seems happy. Just hungry!
Bring up the alk between 8 an 12 slowly and cal will balance out. Your cal is Not dangerous to anything low alk will affect corals. Find your happy balance with the alk and you will be fine. My tank always runs a little lower with the alk so I dose a little more alk than cal.alk 8.4 cal 425 or 440
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