Picked up a curly cue, pics

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 15, 2004
Ya I went to get a firefish from the LFS and they didn't have any I would buy and I happened across this thing with no $ tag.I we talked it out to $20 since it was on a 5lb rock anyway.I figured it was a good deal.

I read up a bit on them, but any real life experiance would be appreciated also.
lol, oh ****, lets hope the few I get make it withit in there.I feed it some brine today.Maybe if I keep it well feed.I also got a flamed scallop (for my wife),but it snuck off before I could get a pick as well as the sand sifting star

edit:they move around alot like the others?
I don't have alot of experience with them, but IME, all anemones move if conditions are not favorable where you put them.
I had one when 1st starting out and it grew like a weed....then ate my $30 fire shrimp. IME, I wouldn't recommend keeping one, as was already said there sting is potent and they grab anything they can (including your fingers!)
jesus guys, I am glad only gave $20 for it ona 5lb piece of LR.how big you think they get?
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