Power heads

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 18, 2004
Chicago, IL
Should I get a Power Head with a automatic rotating head or a stationary one? I currently have a stationary power head on one side of my tank, this would be for the other side.
I agree with Darin. I would go with Maxi Jet powerheads. I have not had good luck with the powersweeps either. You could, if you want to have alternating current, go with an inexpensive wavemaker such as the Natural Wave by Aquarium Products.
I've had 2 powersweeps for about year with no problems, they just clog up and you must clean them every few weeks or months depending when they stop rotating. On the whole thought I've heard they are not worth the money but I got a good deal on them and have been lucky. I've had great luck with the Maxi-jet powerheads especially if you're going to be using a cheaper wavemaker as they can be pretty hard on a power head.
I picked up a powersweep 228 on ebay for $15. So far I haven't had any problems with it.
cccapt said:
I picked up a powersweep 228 on ebay for $15. So far I haven't had any problems with it.
I have used them for many years without problems. They are ideal for lower in the tank.

I have had a couple Power sweeps from ZooMed and am still currently using one. I have had no trouble with it in the six months it has been in my tank. You can find good prices on-line. My Purple Tang loves to play in the current and follows it around, fun to watch.
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