Saltwater Tester Thingy

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 20, 2011
Every time I go to the lfs they use this device that looks almost like a mini telescope to test the salinity. He told me what it was but by the time I got home I totally forgot. If anyone knows what it is please tell me. Thx.
That's a refractometer, they are a little more expensive, but more accurate. I have one and It seems to work well. But I don't have anything to compare it to, it's all I have used.
I've used both a hydrometer and refractometer. Refractometer is way better... My hydrometer was way off compared to it...
The glass floating hydrometers are accurate too though. If you calibrate the refractometer wrong, then it's going to test you're salinity wrong. The floating glass hydrometers are very accurate and cheap too.
Thx! It was the refractometer. Does anyone know where to buy one? I searched eBay and all I can find are sugar refractometers >.< Just to name a few..
Kio707 said:
I've used both a hydrometer and refractometer. Refractometer is way better... My hydrometer was way off compared to it...

Oh,but which was actually the accurate one?LOL
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