Sea Urchin babies!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 14, 2004
I am a new mommy! My sea urchin has had babies.. 3 that i have found so far. I read up on them and from what i found they need both a male and female... I on the other hand only had one.... any ideas other than immaculate conception..... Are more than one ok... i mean they wont kill each other will they? I have had enough murder in my tank all ready....
it could have been pregnant when you got it. Any pictures for show and tell? Its hard to say much more without know what kind of urchin they are. I doubt they'll kill each other, but keep them all fed may be another story :wink:
They release eggs and sperm into the water. My guess is they were tiny little hitch hikers that are just now big enough to see.
Six-Line said:
They release eggs and sperm into the water.
There are also egg brooding species. The fertilized eggs will appear on the outer area of the urchin where they remain until they form an exoskelaton. They do not however expell (spawn) fertilized eggs they are fertilized after leaving the female AFAIK.

My pics will be up shortly.... Having problems with dig software. I guess i never thought about her veing pregnant when i got her she has been here about a month... Do you have any ideas if they lay eggs or babies? I now have what looks like eggs on the side of my tank and they look like urchins but the are clear....thanks for the input!!!! Ill have the pics up of the tank and the fish soon!
They do not however expell (spawn) fertilized eggs they are fertilized after leaving the female AFAIK.

In an aquaculture course I took I raised them. I injected them with a chemical that induced spawning. Anyways the eggs and sperm were released into the water. Im sure that all species aren't the same, but this was 1st hand experience. The babies were about the size of a pencil eraser when they looked like the adults. This is why I thought they could be hitch hikers.
I think you misunderstood my meaning. The eggs are fertilized after leaving the female in both cases. Brooding just means they carry the eggs/young until mature enough to fend for themselves.

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