Slime algea in my tank

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Thank you all for the information. It seems I may have found a way to control the algae growing on my gorgonian. I have added a picture of it to this threat and I see little polyps growing on it again, question I have is... How can I tell if it was damaged or not? Can anyone assist?
Lol my clown seems to be an attention whore, happened everytime I come up to the tank ;)


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Here is what it used to look like. I hoe to get this back soon :(


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It looks like the green slime is green cyanobacteria to me. (Most folks see the red / burgundy version.) Carey's recommendation is spot on. You need manual removal (vacuum it out with water changes) and work to control phosphates and nitrates. In some cases, the test kits don't pick up the nitrates and phosphates because the stuff absorbs it as fast as it is produced. Make sure you are using RODI water with zero nitrates or phosphates coming from the source.

I think your gorgonian can recover as long as the algae stays off of it. I'm pretty sure yours is not photosynthetic but is a filter feeder.

I had a really bad case of the red version and ended up removing my live rock one piece at a time and scrubbing it in a bucket with a brush along with massive water changes to clear it up. The source of my issue was high nitrates and some phosphates coming from tapwater, which is a big NONO.

Good luck!
The gorgonian is a filter feeder, it doesn't get much benefit from the lighting. I would suggest spot feeding it when the polyps are out. I would use any good filter feeder food. Otherwise, it is going to die.
Gregcoyote said:
The gorgonian is a filter feeder, it doesn't get much benefit from the lighting. I would suggest spot feeding it when the polyps are out. I would use any good filter feeder food. Otherwise, it is going to die.

It's not feeding it that's the issue it was the massive amt of algae that covered it, I know how to feed it but I had to manually clean it almost every day. I was wondering if I damaged it
Rutrag said:
It looks like the green slime is green cyanobacteria to me. (Most folks see the red / burgundy version.) Carey's recommendation is spot on. You need manual removal (vacuum it out with water changes) and work to control phosphates and nitrates. In some cases, the test kits don't pick up the nitrates and phosphates because the stuff absorbs it as fast as it is produced. Make sure you are using RODI water with zero nitrates or phosphates coming from the source.

I think your gorgonian can recover as long as the algae stays off of it. I'm pretty sure yours is not photosynthetic but is a filter feeder.

I had a really bad case of the red version and ended up removing my live rock one piece at a time and scrubbing it in a bucket with a brush along with massive water changes to clear it up. The source of my issue was high nitrates and some phosphates coming from tapwater, which is a big NONO.

Good luck!

That's what I thought too, I saw a remedy at my pet store but the guy told me that it only works on red slime it won't work on green slime. This actually didn't appear until I used the kick ich which did its job, I got rid of all the ich in my tank without harming my inverts but then this stuff appeared lol. Now I'm tryin to get rid of it
Remedies won't help, keep up the water exchanges and be careful you don't over feed for now. My bet is the medicine you used did kill off some biologicals in the tank causing a nutrient spike. You could try running some Polysorb, but the water exchanges will eventually get it done.
Gregcoyote said:
Remedies won't help, keep up the water exchanges and be careful you don't over feed for now. My bet is the medicine you used did kill off some biologicals in the tank causing a nutrient spike. You could try running some Polysorb, but the water exchanges will eventually get it done.

Thanks for the info! I'll keep it up
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