So how many snails/crabs should I get

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 15, 2004
Eastern New York
This is my set up:
33 gal long w/20 gal sump HOB skimmer

So how many of what type of snail and crab should I get. I see huge lots of snails for sale but don't wanna over load my tank with them.

Since algae growth varies in every tank depending on a plethora of variables, I'd get a couple and go from there.

I didn't, and I have the joy of feeding the clean up crew, then breaking up the fights that occur thanks to the hermits playing highlander (there can only be one!).

You can always add more.

As for types, these seem helpful, although I couldn't find the page I was originally looking for:
agree with Corty.

better to add too few than too many. you can always add more.

I started with only a few and added more as I needed to.
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