Stupid ?, any harm in leaving cleaning magnets on glass?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 17, 2004
Charlotte, NC
I was wondering if there can be any ill effects if you leave your cleaning magnets (magna float in my case) on the glass. Since I clean it every day, it's easier that way but don't want to have any issues.

Sorry, kind of a dumb ?,
Not a dumb question and no harm at all. However, it may decrease the life of your cleaner by eating away at the adhesive.
I keep mine on the glass but move it to the back. It may look tempting if you have children in the house.
Definitely tempting to little hands. I keep mine in the back of the tank too when I don't take it out.
mine has been in the tank now for.... 1-1/2 years? no problems with the adhesive... but it looks more like a purple square piece of LR than a magnet... still does it's job just fine!
its not a good idea to get sand or gravel trapped within the grasp of the magnet and then clean the tank. It WILL create scratches. Just a friendly warning!

Thats pretty logical dont you think?
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